Bosque del Samán Alcalá La Finca Hotel El Bosque del Samán se encuentra construida en medio de una hacienda cafetera de 110 cuadras, cuenta con tres construcciones en su infraestructura.
© 2021 Bosques del Samán


Hike along the ecological trail

Another of our activities is the walk along the ecological trail, which consists of a distance of 1.5 km, in which you will walk through the coffee plantations, bordering the streams and creeks that have the most beautiful heliconias in their different varieties and various colorful flowers, crossing the guaduales, visit the small waterfalls of the Pavas creek.

To walk through the ecological trail of the Bosque del Samán is to be transported to a world where everything is perfectly arranged for enjoyment and interaction in harmony with nature. It is an unforgettable experience.